Wednesday, December 14, 2005

120% workaholic and losing $

today wake up and having a regular headache as usual.

November and December Cd is outstanding, so i went to HMV
brought 2 CDs, Keane Live recordings and LCD soundsystem
still testing out.

back for working unit, everything's usual. but next week will start working in Kapok, tin hau
then went for a causal lunch alone. originally want to have "cha chan tan", but i was being attracted by a bright super white upstair food store in Central. then i went up,
well the fool wasnt too bad and the vista there is a nice one. wondering if its crowded or not during lunch time ( well i do my lunch at 3pm guys....) ,
o forget to tell u , its name is " Te"
and theres one another shop in Japan
at nite, i went to Rocco Design office, finally i got there and will start the part time job for a competition soon.
the competitors incl MVRDV. hope the process would be a satisfactory one.

today talked to my previous tutor, talk a lot a lot, really thanks for her helping on my exchange life.

still struggling about the Powerbook..


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