Thursday, December 01, 2005

Designer Talk Issue 1 - 2.30am with Chapman

maybe let's start this way, its more casual. so here comes the FIRST INTERVIEW, we long waiting.

161-640-400 = Bobpang

161-640-400 (1:59) : hey whats ur website!?
chap (1:59) :
161-640-400 (2:02) : u got many more tees!
chap (2:03) : i did them long time ago ar
161-640-400 (2:04) : o!! those NO B s land is great, whats that about?
chap (2:05) : it's a illustration project, creature called "nobs" living at nobsland, do stupid things
161-640-400 (2:06) : yes i can feel those stupid Mcdondon graphics!
161-640-400 (2:07) : i just wonder, u know the Blog thing is really hot now, some ppl are actually doing songs review on Blog
161-640-400 (2:07) : wonder if i could do sth on design with blog.
chap (2:08) : ic, y noti'm planning to make 1 next month ar
161-640-400 (2:08) : u remember i talked about designer interview long time ago?i think to make it happen on Blog is good idea
161-640-400 (2:08) : y not making it now?!its easy

chap (2:08) : oictry try ar
161-640-400 (2:08) :
chap (2:09) : i'm very busy thesedays on work, so need to do it next month
161-640-400 (2:09) : bcos i think we could record our casual chat . like what TK did in those Milk magazines
161-640-400 (2:09) : so what project u r doing ?
chap (2:09) : working on 2 CDs now
161-640-400 (2:10) : Cd covers?it sounds great................... which artist?
chap (2:10) : 1 is a soundtack, 1 is XXXX( CENSORED)
161-640-400 (2:10) : hey u know the current +81 issue talks about hong kong!
161-640-400 (2:11) : that sound track seems not commerical stuff!
but u need to meet them!?
161-640-400 (2:11) : i just brought it today , it was gd lei.!
chap (2:11) : oicno ar, this times YYYYY(CENSORED) take the photos, i do the graphics
161-640-400 (2:12) : wor!! do u need to work with the photographer?
actually how the process be seperated?
161-640-400 (2:13) : damn u know i got 2 "milk tea" and 2 lemon tea and 1 "wu long" n i cant sleep now..................
chap (2:13) : i work for the XXXX cd is just becos the AD working on this cd is busy so i help them, i didnt need to communicate with the photographer
chap (2:13) : cool
161-640-400 (2:14) : o ic! that AD is from YYYYY?
chap (2:15) : yes, but long time ago already
161-640-400 (2:29) : u got many jobs !...
chap (2:29) : recent la
161-640-400 (2:31) : rich man!!.
chap (2:32) : no la
161-640-400 (2:33) : how much they pay for one CD design work? 10k? 20?
chap (2:35) : everytime different ga, depends on their budget
161-640-400 (2:36) : or icic!

coming up second issue!


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