Friday, January 20, 2006


Couple of things these days,

finally I finished the job in Rocco Design. I get complete disappointment on what i have seen in the company.
and disappoint on Rocco too. at least, i dont think he is that genius.
a dream for 4 years is over.
Theres wont be a firm in HK attracts me anymore since now.

Thanks LEO and Mr. Fong from LeeTat for helping Kapok on such a nice shop signage and a very bargaining price!
I wanna make my Pangball logo in Black matty metal later!
the shop stickers are nice too!
( well if u gonna do signage, or sth related to acrylic/metal stuff, contact LeeTat!)

my new ipod arrived, since my old one was out of other.
thanks to the good service of Apple.

my iBook is getting more equipped.

my frd told me, i get annoyed easily these days..
well, i think its really bcos i appreciate Rocco too much, and in returm i get an extra disappointment
which get me into such conditions.

btw, i got 2 new CDs
1. Ladytron
2. Stevie Wonder/ Innervisions



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