Saturday, April 08, 2006

Adobe Lightroom Beta Test

this programme is quite flexible in sense of its interface, you could customise it easily in the personal plate setting
basically, the programme sectioned itself into 4 functions: Library/Develop/Slideshow/Print, so basically u do every steps in one single programme.

I wont bother here explaining the function of Library, well, its easy and direct anyway to everybody
concerning the photo adjusting functions (Develop), i think it "looks" professional, really i am not that kind of professional to know all of them, but they are frankly easy for everybody.
for the metadata, it is extremely useful to key in every single data of urself, well maybe ur studio company,etc like ur website address, emails, yr company address etc. ( but y we have to do this, i will explain it later)

after u have adjusting a bunch of photos u have in ur library, u can click to Slideshow. There's not much to choose in Slideshow function, meaning not flexible enough for adding fancy graphics arcoss ur fotos ( if u wanna do so, y not using fotoshop or illustrator? or other else). However., with the limited options, u can still create a very neat and minimalistic style of slide ( far better then the fucking hell Micro PPT). and by then if u wanna show ur metadata, u can now insert the data u wanna show on the slide/ or print. ( THAT'S y u are suggested to put some useful metadata in the Develop Stage) by selecting the catagory of which kind of metadata u would like to show. and finally, u could test ur show, using it for a notebook-presentation. or u can export and publish to PDF website in a format of HTML or Flash (by Adobe default layout, well it looks fairly okay..) without no pain. You could also have a real time upload to ur own FTP through the export action too. Sharing is no longer difficult by uploading every single fotos to

for the Print function, u could print a thumbmails or either isolated one-off print and well, u can set margins and alignments as u like, but still i guess u still have to configure ur printing system in a good response to LightRoom in prior to printing.
Still I have to explore this later.


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