Wednesday, April 19, 2006

i am lucky to have you

reading ur old entries in the blog, i found this`


真好, 真好 :)


At 4/21/2006 11:20:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bobo, 得閒睇下你個blog,發現原來你原來都會咁浪漫o架!估你唔到喎!睇黎你番黎都唔得閒搵我地玩啦!你最近點呀?我兩個月前過左艱難的兒科,聽日又要外科考試啦。你得閒覆覆我啦!仲有呀,你唔記得我地唔緊要,最緊要注意下身體,飲食健康d,有時間做做運動啦,健康唔係必然架,最近就見到個幾有錢的中年人發現生cancer,但都已經擴散了。總之,保重!

At 4/22/2006 10:19:00 PM , Blogger Pangball said...

hi shek,
having a long time didnt talk to u
very surpise that u still have my blog links!
i know, u always told me to stay healthy,
here in foreign countries are far more easy to get a more healthy life than in hk
life is ok here, not too busy, always relax.
but still like living in hk or either london
vienna is not that kind of metropolitan u know.
hope that u will get thru ur study very soon la. and we can grad together next yr!
hey so will i have free medic consultation form u later?


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