Monday, July 17, 2006

Thai Happy, reference from Joyce Blog

we were crazy last nite, with a natural high starting with gag of "thai perfect"
first time, ( maybe) i got laugh til i feel really really dizzy in my head,
no pressure, just chat and chat and chat,
thats frdship, isnt it? thx to john kao's nice place shooting, eric's silence, joyce's less beer ( so actually we drink quite a lot haha!), and cadboy's transformation to a gagboy
sixth yrs , so far we have been known...

after we being kicked out by "thai music" at 2.30am, the rain was pouring, heavily,
cadboy (o it should be gagboy now), eric and i rush to the VCD shop having a nice chat together, about our girlfriends.
finally we use 2 hrs almost to walk from sogo to duck neck bridge,
and i back home at 5, sleep at 6, wake up at 1pm

so thats life, in hk,


At 7/18/2006 01:05:00 AM , Blogger Kaochun said...

Yeah that was a thai rainy night! I bit regret left too early missed chatting part in VCD store!

At 7/18/2006 01:06:00 AM , Blogger Kaochun said...

Yes I am going to restore my Kaosblog soon. :) I almost forgot my login and password, gosh!


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