Monday, September 11, 2006


/////yes, the my favourite moleskine exhibition was opened last friday. finally it turns out to be a very nice and simple setting. attractive at a very prompt location in festival wall log-on,
it was a very good experience learning how to work as a team, in organising such a big event.
and this job has been the most pressurised one after the London one.
yeah feeling good to be under pressure,

/////the lake house, its pretty much out of my expectation to this holliwooood film.
since i have a preception that this kind of story should be related to british scene and production as well ( like that love actually many years ago)
but surprising enough, first half of the film are quite in a gentle humourous rythm, yet having a very subtle but clean seperation between two space and time, and the interconnection among them.
another suprise is their setting of the "architect" role of Reeves and his father, having a deep conversation about architecture and making humour on it. ( well, this maybe only because of my high sensation of being an architectural student reading this film)
anyway, a good film though, worth paying some little $ for a comfortable chair in the cinema


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