Wednesday, November 16, 2005

lifes changes

has been away for a few days, standing alone in the mist.
i try to make things clear, try to clean the fog. catch my life.
maybe i can do it for some moment, but seems its not for all the time being .

Big Disclose #6 - Miki Wong

彭先生 :

早晨 , 我收到你既E-貓啦 !! 睇到你圖之後 ,
我會同你CONFIRM幫你按比例放圖係大約10吋半橫 x 13吋高到 ,
如ok的話我會搵人幫你劃圖 , 你有時間請回覆我 .

many thanks

///Waiting!!! for the new tee


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