Thursday, December 22, 2005


there is too many things to rewind today.

1. ok ok its all over. the hell-like semester 1 is today offically end.
i have done within 4 days
a. design portfolio
b. professional practice projects 60% of course
c. professional practice exam 40% of course
d. Design of chinese cities report 100%
e. Building structure and system assignment over 50%

2. ok then what i need to do next b4 i go to vienna,
a. rocco part time - competition by 18th Jan
b.Kapok signage and final tuning of shop interior
c. product design of a new ipod third party gadget
d. 200 pieces of assignment marking for creative industry course by 3rd of Jan
e. deposit $ to the insurrance plan
f. pay credit card $
g. interface the moving of locker from central to Tin Hau shop.
h. maybe the website of Kapok
i. meeting frds.

3. Miss Tang
i am really angry that day when u once again told me u loss ur bloody way to the shop. hey just 5 mins walk from MTR, what things would casus u to loss? come on
and i would like to have a serious thank you to ur "REFERENCE" over the song name of Nic Tse.

4. Miss Mei
you gift come very great in time, in right time. after i finished all my stuff and back home today. i got ur present. i think i have to buy a coffee machine first....
read the letters too.
i still havent mail the gift to u , stay tuned pls....



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